Hear ye! Hear ye! A huge, honkin' contest in celebration of my paranormal August releases from Ellora's Cave and Samhain Publishing! Serati's Flame, Vampire Council of Ethics Book 2 hits the wires on August 21st, and Egyptian Voyage - A Torrid Tarot Novel breaks out from EC on the 29th.
Whaddaya playing for? For the chance to get some of these awesome books from all of these authors! If we get three winners, you'll split the books. If you're the only winner...YOU GET 'EM ALL! The Night Whispers Authors and the Dynamic Trio are all fabulous multi-published writers, the hottest and most innovative in the industry. Wooo! Way to go, ladies!
- Kate Hill's Savage Amusement from Changeling Press
- Mechele Armstrongs Blood Lines 4: Night's Journey from Loose Id
- Anna J. Evans' Fang Shui from Lady Aibell Publishing
- Ashlyn Chase's Vampire Vintage from Ellora's Cave
- Mary Winter's Polar Heat from Ellora's Cave
- And one of my new releases, of course!
Along with books from Shelley Munro, Lauren Dane, and Denise Agnew 'ta boot!

So what do you have to do to get in on this madness? The authors named in next month's newsletter will place a special logo (I like to call him the Flaming Tut) somewhere on their website. Simply tell us where you found it. In the case an author has put forth a trivia question, just give the answer. The trivia questions will be in August's TJ On A Tangent, which we'll post at midnight on July 31st.
Now for the rules:
1) Contest starts August 1st and ends with the release of my Torrid Tarot novel, Egyptian Voyage, on August 29th. You have a whole month to play and enjoy the goodies from the authors who so graciously offered to be a part of this event. Some have free chapters up on their sites, other have awesome excerpts.
2) You must find ALL the logos and correctly answer ALL the trivia questions for ALL the authors. Yeah, it sounds like a lot but you have a month and this is a LOT of books, which means a lot of hard work, brain wracking, and creative energy went into these books (and it's royalties these generous authors won't receive).
3) Send all contest entries to contests@tjmichaels.com. Put all information in ONE e-mail. To make it a little easier, simply copy and paste the info below and use it for your entry.

b) I found a logo: (put where you found it)
c) The trivia question is: (put the question here)
The trivia answer is: (put the answer here)
d) If I win, I'd like my books in the following format: (put .pdf, .html, .rb, etc.., here)
Good luck!
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