Thought that picture might get your attention!! It's from a movie staring Hugh Jackman and since I'm mentioning one of his movies in this blog I figured I'd post the photo, too. :)
Today is my blog day and I have to admit I had a hell of a time coming up with a topic. Brain freeze! So I decided to do the lazy thing and try something I’ve done before on other blogs to introduce myself more to readers. I’m calling this a “firsts” list and a “favorites” list. So here goes!
1) My favorite spooky movie of all time The Exorcist
2) My favorite actress of all time is Katherine Hepburn.
3) My favorite actor of all time is Lawrence Olivier.
4) Favorite romance movie of all time (now this one is really hard, but I made a decision) Paperback Hero staring Hugh Jackman.
5) First limo ride in ’86. Second and the best limo ride in ’91.
6) I never went to a prom or a homecoming! Boo. Hiss. I'll bet there are a few of us out there like this.
7) My first date was two days after my high school graduation. No joke. And it was a blind date to boot!
8) Worst thunerstorm I’ve ever experienced was when I was twelve. It rained torents for two hours. For an hour of that time the lightning was so bad that it was continuous, non stop, and with no wait between flash and thunder. I’ll never forget that storm as long as I live.
9) My first Perrier water was on the first date I ever had. ☺
10) Weirest snowstorm I ever experienced was in Colorado one July. No joke.
11) Longest walk at one pop that I ever did while doing archaeology in order to see sites was seven miles one way.
12) Scariest place on earth for me? The South Bridge Tunnels in Edinburgh, Scotland.
So there are some more weird firsts and facts from the chronicals of Denise A. Agnew. Do you have some intriguing firsts to share? I'll pick a winner later this evening. Winner gets two decks of Ellora's Cave playing cards...one from '06 and one from '07.
Denise A. Agnew
You know, I've never had Perrier water. LOL
Great list, Denise. I've seen a snowstorm in June, but not July. That must have been really freaky.
First time rapelling: Big Bend National Park, TX. My mom saw the pictures of her baby girl hanging from a cliff by a rope, and almost fainted. LOL
First time eating sushi: At Sapporo Wind, Westerville, Ohio, while JC Wilder held my nose and insisted I try it. I'm so glad she did. Now I can't get enough of the stuff. :)
I didn't date until after high school, either!
Hi there NJ!
Perrier water, I think, was the only big deal bottled water way back then. That was in...AHEM...1980. CRINGE!!!!
And you're totally right about the snow. In Colorado a couple of times I heard thunder and we had snow at the same time. Bizarre.
Denise A. Agnew
Damn, woman. You are brave. Not sure you could get me to do that. Maybe if I HAD to. Now that would be a good scene for a book, eh? The only sushi I'll it is California roll. I refuse to eat raw fish. :) I do love that seaweed though. Never thought I'd ever say that. I LOVE SEAWEED. He, he!!
As for dates, I imagine there are a ton of us who didn't date until after high school.
Denise A. Agnew
Denise, I used to do a lot of things BK. [before kids] After they came along, I turned into a big weenie. :)
The rappelling? It was in [cringing, too] 1980. lol
Sushi: Still won't eat eel, but I'm all over it if it's got raw tuna or salmon.
I've seen a snowstorm in June, but not July.
Let's see, I've had snow in January, February, March, April, May, June (4 feet of it!!!), July, August, September, October, November, December... Did I leave any month out?
Mother Nature is twisted in my part of the world. And no, it's not the North Pole.
As for sushi...hmm...good...
And Perrier's overrated. I don't like carbonated beverages. I was stuck drinking it while I was in Germany because everywhere I went, they were out of non-carbonated water.
Well, you big weenie you. LOL!!! I'm right there with ya, and I don't have kids. Well, I have step kids but they are all grown up. :)
Denise A. Agnew
I was hooked on Arrowhead's flavored carbonated water for a while and got tired of it. :)
Denise A. Agnew
Well, dad gum it. I didn't have any readers post today...so I doubt any EC authors would want two decks of EC cards. :)
Denise A. Agnew
I'm not an EC author! [grin]
Oops, yeah, you're right. You're not! I forgot for shame. :) So...I think that makes you the winner! Email me at danovelist@cox.net please. :)
Denise A. Agnew
I've never been in a limo. *pout* - it's one of those things I must do before I die lol.
Yep, a limo trip can be particularly. ...AHEM...interesting. LOL!!!
Denise A. Agnew
I'm way late on this - sorry!
Never went to prom/homecoming either.
The best limo ride was last year in Vegas. My cousin got married and rented a Hummer limo for hte family.
Never have had Perrier water either.
Sushi - umm, no! I don't like seafood of any kind!
Snow in summer months - not that I recall, but we had strange weather growing up in NE. I remember times having rain on one side of the street and hail on the other side.
Paperback Hero? I LOVE Hugh Jackman, so how come I've never heard of that?!? :)
I'm off to look it up on Amazon!
For shame not liking seafood. WINK. I love shrimp, especially the fried kind.
Denise A. Agnew
You may not have heard of that one Hugh Jackman movie because it was made in Australia and has only been on TV a few times. I'm hoping they reissue it in a DVD format I can use. That would be fannnnntassssstic!
Denise A. Agnew
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