...is the
Toshiba Portégé R500 notebook.
Just joking!
Well, not really. I do want one of those notebooks.
C'mon, people. It's a 12.1" notebook that's an inch thick and weighs only 2.2 lbs! My current one is the same dimensions, but it's closer to 4 lbs. And the R500 has an LED screen!
*sigh* The geek in me so wants to upgrade.
Moving onto the real list now...

To These 13 Authors: Please Come Back...I'll Buy Your Romance Books A list compiled by Ann Bruce
- Laura Kinsale. It's over three years since the last release...can I expect something in 2008?
- Suzanne Robinson. No one does Elizabethan historicals like she did.
- Meagan McKinney.
- Michelle Martin.
- Theresa Weir.
- Jan Freed.
- Karyn Monk. Unfortunately, her website says she's busy with her young children. Who knows when she'll turn on her computer again?
- Iris Johansen. Her thrillers just aren't nearly as satisfying (in fact, some are downright awful) as her romances, both category and historical.
- Julie Garwood. She's going back to historicals in 2008. There is a God!
- Tami Hoag. I love the mainstream thrillers, but I loved the romantic suspense so much, much more.
- Teresa Medeiros. After two paranormals, it's time to go back to straight historicals. PLEASE.
- Linda Francis Lee. Why, oh, why did she have to go to chick lit?
- Christina Skye. Hasn't the Navy Seals series dragged on long enough?
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
The only two I've read are Julie Garwood and Tami Hoag, and I liked them both.
Happy tt!
I feel like uneducated swine, I haven't heard of any of those.
My T13 post is up, come check it out if you get a chance. :)
How cool. I want to say something witty or bright, but I think it's really really cool that you like these authors enough to want them to write more. Gosh. That's a real conversation!
Happy TT!
My TT is up A little kindness
I haven't read any of those. I feel like a Philistine!
Jenn - Thanks for stopping by! I hope you win the contest, too.
Natalie, Nicholas - You both are two of many because some of these great romance authors have disappeared into the Twilight Zone and the rest decided to shed their embarrassing romance roots.
Claudia - I love your TT! I really need to work on #8.
I am so not into romance. I'm way too much of a cynic.
The Pink Flamingo
I don't know those writers, but they're lucky to have a fan like you. I have a few I feel the same way about---but unfortunately, they are no longer with us....Sigh. The Flatland Almanack --Damozel
I used to devour Christina Skye's historicals. I miss them!
I can't wait to read a new Garwood historical romance. I've missed Karyn Monk too.
SJ - Pink flamingos, eh? You should check Jennifer Crusie's AGNES AND THE HITMAN. Pink flamingos galore!
Damozel - The videos are a hoot!
Carolyne - I enjoyed Skye's historicals, but I loved the Draycott Abbey series.
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