I decided to go ahead and re-publish it on my own. Converting an edited file for Smashwords, Nook, and Kindle isn't really hard, just a bit painstaking. But I followed the directions closely, created my own new cover for the story and posted it.
Here's the blurb for it: Can Christmas Eve get any more fun? On her way to her family's home, Carol Prescott’s car slides into a ditch in a deserted area with no cell phone signal. The only available shelter is already occupied…by a vampire. To Michael Carpenter, Carol is the bait of a trap.
In an effort to hold onto his soul, Michael has resisted the urge to drink human blood for almost a century. Now he hovers between human and vampire. If he doesn’t drink from a human before the night ends, he’ll die. He’s desperately thirsty, but Michael has seen the soulless monsters vampires are and he prefers death. Carol is pure temptation to him, the Christmas present from hell…or is it from heaven?
I'm thrilled to say that A Vampire's Christmas Carol is now available in most e-formats. Better yet, it's only 99 cents on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and free on Smashwords.
My Christmas present to you! But hurry, it's only free for a limited time. When the year turns to a new one so also will the price for the story.
1 comment:
Vampires, lol good idea!
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